Friday, November 19, 2010

Book Announcement

Alright, so if I had more followers I would leave the poll open for a longer amount of time. Sadly, there's just the two for now. So I am going to unveil the next novel we are going to read together! Drum roll please.....

We are going to be reading...Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck! I hope you are as excited as I am to start this!

I won't be posting the reading schedule for a while yet though. I figure this way, everyone has time to get their hands on a copy of this book. I will post the schedule up sometime next week and the following week we can start reading! I am going to create a reading schedule that covers a span of three weeks. This way, for those of us borrowing these books from the library, we don't have to worry about returning books late.

So, find a copy of Of Mice and Men and check back soon for the reading schedule!


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