Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New Book Announcement

Well, I'm a little delayed as usual but I've finally picked the next book I'd like to read. I decided to go with an easy-to-read book so that it would be easier for me to read alongside my school material.

So without further ado, the book I'm going to start reading is called Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger (the same author as The Time Traveler's Wife). This book tells the story of two twins' explorations into their family history and they discoveries they make therein.

I will post after each chapter and I hope you will follow along and leave a comment! Hopefully this will be an enjoyable and easy-to-follow story.

The Toronto Star called it "A deliciously dark, Gothic saga of obsession, deceit and family secrets." it sounds like something that could stir up a lot of conversation, so please participate!

I'm looking forward to starting and will post soon!
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