Monday, May 30, 2011

The End & Last Letter

Well even though the titles imply otherwise these are the first two chapters of the novel.

At this point the most important thing seems to be setting up character relationships. There seems to be a thick tension between the characters and it is obvious that later in the book the narrator will elaborate upon these relationships.

These chapters also set up the intrigue and plot for the twins in the novel. It is interesting how Edie doesn't want to tell her daughters the news right away of both their aunt's death and the girls' inheritance. This also adds to intrigue.

My prediction is that perspective will soon switch to the twins and we may learn about all of the characters' pasts along with the twins as they explore their aunt's world.

In my opinion it is a rather slow but efficient beginning.

That's all I noted for these sections but please comment if you have anything to add. I will post again shortly!

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