Well I haven't posted in a while. Frankly, I haven't read any more of this book because its become a little boring to me. It seems Niffenegger is giving us a long introduction which seems rather repetitive to me. But I can't leave a book unfinished for long so..back to it.
I like the style and easy flow of this chapter. When Robert and James are discussing Elspeth, their conversation seems so natural and casual. I think it takes effort to write so naturally while including casual humour. It seems to take on an easier tone than previous chapters. But it is repetitive. The argument between Elspeth and Edie has been mentioned several times already, including the twins' roles in the scenario.
What I do find particularly interesting though is the conversation they had regarding the supernatural. The thought of objects being ghosts is intriguing and unexpected, and it seems Robert agrees. I also admire the use of body language in this section, ending with an affirmation of a couple's love for each other. I like the flow of this chapter and it's use of intrigue.
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