Thursday, December 23, 2010

Discussion-Section 3

Alright everyone this is our final discussion for I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. What did you think? Please share your reviews and analysis as comments on this post.

I will add more analysis in a comment but I wanted to mention some of the references made by Maya in this last section of the novel. I think they are not only important to set the time frame but also very interesting to look into. I did some research into songs and a book that was mentioned in this story. By listening to and reading about these things, I can better imagine the atmosphere Maya lived in. She mentioned two songs: Tomorrow night by Lonnie Johnson  and When The Swallows Come Back to Capistrano by Bobby Day. These songs don't belong to the genre of music most people listen to these days, but I encourage you all to listen to them and try to envision what Maya felt in hearing these songs.

I also encourage you to read this article about The Well of Loneliness. This way you can see a little more where Maya gained her information. Books for her were always a well of knowledge and she trusted their contents. I think it is important to understand the references she makes so that we may better understand her.

On another note, we will not be starting another novel until the new year. This will give us all some time to spend with family over the holidays. I will announce our next novel in mid-January. Over the holidays I will be reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo and a novel called Shade. If you are looking for reading suggestions, you should choose a novel from my Already Read page.

Thank you all for reading and I wish you all a merry Christmas!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Discussion-Section 2

Well, I'm hoping you're all just busy for the holidays. I wasn't going to do a new novel over Christmas, but maybe I should have given you all more time off. In any case, the show must go on, so here is the discussion for section 2. Or my comment at least. I will still post the section three discussion in a couple of days, to f inish this book before the holiday.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Discussion-Section 1

So how did everyone enjoy the first fifteen chapters of I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings? This first section brings up many issues that will need to be discussed and I look forward to reading your perspectives on this section. Please comment on this post to participate.

Also, I encouraged you all to share songs, videos, pictures, anything you personally related to any section of a novel we read. I want to start this going by sharing a picture that I coincidentally came across a couple of weeks ago on PostSecret.

With that, I will start the first discussion with a comment on this post. 


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thank you everyone who participated in the discussions for Of Mice and Men! If you have any feedback for me, please leave a comment on this post. I will now post the reading schedule for I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings under Current Novel. See you soon for our next discussion!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Discussion-Section 3

Hello everyone! This will be our final discussion regarding Of Mice and Men. Please comment on any aspect of the novel. Your participation is appreciated!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Novel Announcement

As our reading of Of Mice and Men draws to its close, it is time to announce the next novel we are going to read! The discussion for part two is still open in the previous post if you would like to add to it and I will be posting the third discussion tomorrow. As for our next novel, luckily, it came in from the library in time, so the last book that we will read this year will be....

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou.

When we have completed our final discussion for Of Mice and Men, I will post the reading schedule for our new novel! I am planning on having the first section of Caged Bird be due on Sunday. I know this seems very soon but we all have a weekend and some to read the first section. I don't know what versions of this novel people have so if you could please comment on this post and let me know how yours is divided into parts. Mine is divided into about 36 chapters, I believe. If yours follows this same format please let me know as this will make it a lot easier for everyone to follow along! Happy reading!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Discussion-Section 2

Alright, I know this post is a little late but it is time for our second discussion to start. Please comment on this post to participate. Thank you.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Alright everyone, I think that was a wonderful first discussion! Thank you all for participating. Today is the last day to add to that discussion, so if you have any last words please post them today. In any case, I will be posting for the next discussion sometime tomorrow, so please come back and comment! Thanks again.

Also, I have requested I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings from the library, but it seems to be taking a long time to arrive. Therefore I don't know if we will be able to read this book next. I suggest you also get The Picture of Dorian Gray because at this point our next novel could be either of those. Thank you in advance for your understanding. I hope this isn't a big inconvenience. We will probably start reading our next novel by the end of this week or the beginning of next and I will be sure to announce the definite book before then. Thank you.


Friday, December 3, 2010

Discussion-Section 1

This is the post where  you should comment if you would like to participate in our discussion regarding the first section of Of Mice and Men. I will be adding the first comment and then I invite you all to add something. If you have not yet read the previous post which lists the guidelines for our discussions, please do so now. Thank you for your participation!

Remember, our next discussion will start on Sunday, so please say everything you'd like to say before then.


Discussion Guidelines-Please Read First!!!

Welcome everyone to our very first discussion! Before we jump into this, I'd like to state some simple guidelines to make sure this goes smoothly. First of all, I would like to make this a SPOILER-FREE ZONE. If you have chosen to read on ahead DO NOT HINT AT THE ENDING or give away anything that happens later on in the book. That being said, of course you may discuss theories you have regarding the outcome of the book. If you have read ahead, please try to not let this taint the section we are discussing. Often when we read the entire novel we have a different feel for the book and this will influence your thoughts on the first section. Please try to limit this as much as possible as this will be very apparent to those of us who haven't read ahead. I would also like to say that I am trying to spark a conversation and debates will be inevitable eventually, but please NO ARGUING. I don't want things to get ugly, so please keep your comments relevant to the content. If you disagree with someone, explain your side in a kind and informational way. This will be more relevant once we get into books that cover controversial topics. By following these guidelines, we can keep our conversations fun and enjoyable for everybody!

What can you talk about during our discussions?
You may bring up anything you'd like. It doesn't have to be a deep insight into the novel. If the section we've read makes you think of a song, a work of art, another novel, a television show, etc., please mention it in the discussion! A wide variety of comments are acceptable and encouraged! If you don't have any contributions for a particular discussion, then you do not need to participate. I am trying to create an open space where you can discuss anything you feel is pertinent to our reading, so please share anything that comes to mind!

With that said, I will put up another post now. Please put all your discussion comments on that post. Remember, you can keep posting aka post responses to other posts, add to your post if you think of more comments. You are not limited to one post. Like I said, I'd like to make this into a discussion. If you have any questions about this post or if you feel I have missed an important guideline then please feel free to leave me a comment here. All feedback is welcomed! Thank you all!
